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The Psychological Balance Beam

Gymnastics is all about becoming stronger, more flexible, agile, and having better balance. Your body loves that kind of stuff. So how can you be more active in gymnastics to reap these benefits?

Decision-making is the number one way to stay active. It's all about determination ...and here you thought it was all about being a gifted athlete! Your mental activity is an important part of your physical activity. Often it's not the big decisions that affect you as much as the small, daily ones.

What decisions will you need to make to stay active every day, whether in gymnastics or in other sports activities? How about trying on these one-size-fits-all decisions?

  • Decide to rethink the word "exercise." All movement is exercise. Walking up the stairs, to the corner store, or carrying groceries are just as much a part of exercise as a four-mile run.
  • Decide to get moving for half an hour every day. You'll run into a million excuses of why you can't. The only thing that will pull you through all those hang-ups in your mood, your schedule, your studies, or your chores is your decision to be active.
  • Decide that your body, no matter what its size, shape or abilities, deserves daily activity.
  • Decide that you're going to care for your body at least as well as you care for your bike, your dog, or your TV remote control. Put it through at least 30 minutes of activity every day.
  • Decide that even when you don't really feel like it, you'll experiment with some form of activity each day. Decide to find at least two gymnastics activities that you enjoy doing.

Think about the many activities you see or do that would be affected by being stronger or more flexible - the cornerstones of gymnastics. So what's holding you back from deciding to be active today?













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