- Outcome A (10-30)-1
Instruct a number of students to find a partner.
Direct these pairs of students to lie on the floor on their stomachs,
shoulder to shoulder with their partners. Make sure the pairs are
spread out all over the gym floor. These pairs on the floor are
considered the safe zones.
Determine who is going to be "it", and
give each of these students a coloured pinnie to carry in their
hands. The pinnies identify them as being "it". The rest
of the class is not paired up and can be chased by the "it"
How to Play
- To avoid getting tagged,
the students being chased can dive and/or roll to the floor and
slide up to one of the pairs on the floor.
- Once they do that, the
student on the opposite side from where the newcomer joined has
to get up and run, as this student is no longer safe from being
- There can never be more
than two students lying next to one another on the floor.
- As a player gets tagged,
the pinnie is handed over so it is easy to identify the players
who are "it".

Have a volleyball team use the proper diving technique
to get to the floor.
Instruct certain students to link arms while standing
and facing in opposite directions from each other. These students
are considered the safe zones. When a third person links onto this
pair, the student on the opposite end must let go and run as this
student is no longer safe. Players are not safe if they link arms
while facing in the same direction as the student beside them.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students heart rates are elevated after
five minutes of play.
Students demonstrate the use of strategy by moving
to open spaces.
Students show control when they dive and roll
to the safe zones.
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