Balanced Bods
- Outcome A (10-30)-3
Balance is a skill we all need in many different
situations. Because students abilities vary, they should work
on being comfortable with what they attempt. No spotters! If students
require spotters, they are doing a move that is too difficult for
them at this point.
Explore one, two, three, and four point balances.
Students should be creative and remember to make the body look strong
and in control at all times. A balance needs to be held for about
the count of "one thousand, two thousand, three thousand".
Using individual mats, have the students demonstrate
a four point balance (e.g., two hands and two feet touching the
mat). Have them hold that balance. Ask the students, "What
could you do to make the balance look better?"
Have the students try another four point balance.
Students should demonstrate their balances to one another. They
should help each other out with ideas to make the balance look better
(straighten the legs or point the toes.) Half the class can demonstrate
to the others, and then reverse the roles so that students get used
to performing in front of others. Instruct the students to look
for ideas they can later include in their routines.
Students should then try a three point balance,
two point balance, and one point balance, following the same procedure.
Balanced Bods |
Direct the students to create a series of balances
including at least one of each of the one, two, three, and four
point balances. The balances should flow smoothly from one to the
other. A minimum of four balances must be included, but more are
encouraged. Remind them to hold each balance for a three second
count. Students will demonstrate their routine to others in the
class today using the same method as before.

Allow students to incorporate
a piece of equipment such as balls and hoops into their balances.
Select a piece of music
and have students choreograph a mini routine to the music.
Allow students to work
with a partner to develop a mini routine using the four types of
Allow students to add some
form of locomotion to connect the balances in their mini routine.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students stay on task as
they create their balances. Students could complete a self-assessment.
Students show good body
control and use of the three second count rule.
Students are able to demonstrate
a mini routine in front of their peers. The routine includes all
the required components.
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