Hot Dog Tag
- Outcome C (4-6)-3

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Students spread themselves throughout the
play space and one student is selected to be "it". On the signal
"go", any student who is tagged becomes a hot dog and must lie down
on their back. In order to be freed, two students must lie down
on either side of the hot dog to complete the hotdog and its bun.The
student who was tagged must be in the middle, meaning that two students
cannot lie down on the same side of the hotdog. Once they have had
a "bun" surround them, for a count of 3 they are freed.
The student who is "it" cannot guard students
who are waiting to be freed.
While playing this activity, focus attention
on positive comments and body control to avoid injury. Watch that
all students are freed after they have been tagged. As students
are performing a cool down, ask them how they felt about the game.
Questions for discussion might include
the following:
- Did they all get freed when they
needed to be?
- Were some students freed more quickly
than others?
- How did they feel when they were
not freed quickly?
- What could students do to ensure
that they become a "bun" without sliding into the hot dog
and causing injury?
- Are there any suggestions related
to fair play and respectful behaviour when playing this

Select more than one student to be "it" if the
class is large, or to present more of a challenge.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students work to free each other regardless of whether they are
friends, and regardless of gender.
will lie down on either side of the hot dog to free that student
even if they risk getting tagged.
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