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Individual Rope Jumping - Outcome D (K-3)-2


Have each child get a cotton skipping rope. Place the rope on the floor in front of each child and have them jump over it with two feet together. The children should practice jumping forward and backward over the stationary rope before they attempt to jump a moving rope.

Show the children the arm actions of turning the rope while jumping. Talk about using only wrist action and not the whole arm in a windmill action. Have the children find a personal space where they can try to jump the rope several times in succession. Help each child individually, encouraging self improvement. If a child can only jump once, encourage them to try for two jumps. Play music to keep the children on task. Another way to create a rhythm for students, other than music, is to teach some skipping rhymes.

Several times during the lesson have the children stop and group together so you can highlight certain successes to the class. This will help to encourage others.

For those students who are ready for more of a challenge, click here.

Skipping Routines

Use large hula hoops to practice jumping over as students rotate the hoops over their heads and under their feet.

Provide an opportunity to skip and move. They can do this as a relay race. (Grades 2 and 3 only.)

Bring in single long ropes and practice skipping songs in groups of four.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

By a show of hands, have the students tell of any improvement that they experienced today.

Ask for another show of hands to have the students indicate their participation level and effort.

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