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The Squeeze is Going Around - Outcome C (4-6)-1

This activity is great for a small space or a lead-up activity to an event or game. Students are seated in a circle. Each student places their hands, palms up, near their knees and joins hands with the student on either side.

Students close their eyes and the teacher chooses someone to start a "squeeze" around the circle. The "squeeze" sent is a light squeeze or series of squeezes that each student will receive and then pass to the student beside them. When the squeeze gets to the last student, everyone opens their eyes. The last student shares aloud the squeeze received to see how close it is to the original squeeze.

Select another student to send a different squeeze.

Discuss ways to communicate during a physical activity, including verbal and non-verbal communication. How does communication help you in a game, on a trail, in a dance sequence?

Break students into smaller groups.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

The students are providing appropriate non-verbal squeezes.

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