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Group Juggle - Outcome A (4-6)-5


Students form a circle (10 – 12 students) and establish an order for passing an object across the circle so that everyone has received the object once by the time it gets back to the starting point. The object cannot be passed to the person directly beside them. It is important that students remember who they pass to and receive from.

Identify one student to be the "Group Juggle Leader".

Start the first round by having students call out the name of the person they will pass to. After they have been successful with one object, introduce another, following the same pattern. Always add objects at the same point of entry – through the identified "Group Juggle Leader".

After two balls have been added, stop the group and ask them to think of helpful hints to ensure success. They will brainstorm ideas which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Make eye contact with the person you are passing to.
  • Toss in an underhand toss with a rainbow pattern.
  • Increase accuracy by stepping forward as you release the pass.
  • When you receive a pass, keep the fingers wide apart with wrists facing each other, but not touching.

Keep adding objects to the circle through the Group Juggle Leader until they are successfully juggling 10 to 12 balls.

Use smaller groups to maximize time on task and increase skill development.

Use different objects for different levels of ability (e.g., beanbags for younger students).

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Students are able to pass the balls with very few balls hitting the floor.

Students are using correct underhand throw passes.

Students do not have to move in order to receive passes.

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