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Beach Balls Alive - Outcome A (4-6)-7

In the swimming pool, students work in groups of four to keep a beach ball up in the air. This is similar to a volleyball activity, while incorporating aquatic skills such as treading water.

The students design a game with the beach ball which incorporates treading water, and a front float and/or back float. For students unable to perform at this level of skill, incorporate blowing bubbles under water as part of the game.

Each group of four shares their games with another group of four. Students play each other’s games and modify each to come up with a "Beach Balls Alive Game" (or create a name). Each group of eight will share their game with the class.

To incorporate some of the "C outcomes" from General Outcome "C" – Cooperation, discuss how to include all team members in the modifications of the game.

Each group could set boundaries that the ball must stay within to make the activity more challenging.

Increase the level of difficulty by using certain body parts to keep the ball up, such as the head, only the left hand, or two hands.

Increase the level of difficulty by having students hit the ball in a certain order from one student to another.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Students can demonstrate a front float, back float, treading water, or blowing bubbles during the game.

All students are participating actively.

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