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Pac Man Tag - Outcome A (7-9)-2


The teacher sets up pylons in order to create lanes following the lines of the gym, and a maze in the gym (similar to the Pac Man video game). At several points around the gym, a larger space between pylons is established as an escape route for the ghosts (the students who are not "it").

Pac Man is "it", and wears a pinnie. The remaining students are ghosts and try to stay "alive" during the game by not being tagged by Pac Man.

Pac Man Tag

How to Play

  • Students play tag along the gym lines between the pylons, moving all over the gym.
  • Pac Man cannot cross any of the lines laterally.
  • If Pac Man is chasing a student, this student can use one of the spaces to escape.
  • If Pac Man tags a student or if that student strays off of the lines or out of the boundary, the ghost becomes Pac Man and the game continues.

Play this game using a variety of basic locomotor skills like hopping, leaping, galloping, sliding,

Have students play the game in slow motion or hyper fast motion.

Instead of changing Pac Man every time there is a tag, have a power pellet (pinnie) available for every ten tags that are made. Once Pac Man has a pinnie she/he is allowed to hop the pylons to tag more ghosts. Play until all players have been eliminated. But as each player is eliminated, they become part of another game set up on the other half of the gym. This allows for continual action and avoids having students sitting out.

Allow one or two of the tagged players to become power gobblers who steal the pinnies from Pac Man. They can be stationed at specific points in the maze to allow ghosts through, but not Pac Man.

Allow the students to create a different variation.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Students demonstrate basic locomotor patterns (running, walking) while evading Pac Man.

Students are aware of the game space and play within the boundaries.

Students avoid contact with other ghosts and are aware of the space around their peers.

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